preparing your tracks for upload
Please note that we accept files from 44.1k to 48k ,16 to 32bit ,the optimum sample and bit rate we would like to receive is 48khz ,24bit for best results.
Multitrack upload
1. Make sure that every track from your multitrack session is one long file from start ( of song )to end (of track) and make sure all tracks start from the same place. if you have a few cut and pastes on a track you may need to use the bounce selected track option (varies from daw to daw). Please note that if the session is not huge you may want to duplicate it and use that for the track bounce downs (its good practise to have two copies of a session on seperate devices anyway).
2. When you are sure you have correctly done the first step. take a copy of the bounced track/s (make sure you have named each wav or aiff so you are sure of its whereabouts e.g kick , guitar etc) from your audio pool inside your session folder. Now create a new folder in an easy to reach place ,and name the folder the same name you put on the upload form to us). Now, copy and paste the tracks into the newly made folder.
3. The folder is now ready for zipping up . I use winrar (free) or winzip on pc (simply rar on mac) . When this is done you should have a zipped up file with the same name as the folder. This is now ready for uploading to us.
4. Fill out the upload form found on the main page of the Online Tape Machine section. then click the "upload a file" button . Browse your computer for the zipped folder you made in the last step and upload it .(THE UPLOAD BUTTON WILL SAY "PLEASE WAIT" UNTIL THE UPLOAD IS FINISHED, there is no upload bar so be patient and eventually you will see the thank you page, THEN all is done).
5. All done!! now you wait for us to email you.